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Compliance at Routeware, Community Tools

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Routeware conducts annual security audits with a third party security auditor. To keep customer data as safe as possible, we make use of best-in-class security tools and modern software development practices to maintain a high level of security.

Kobalt found that the Routeware security program was at or above the expected levels of maturity as measured against the CIS Top 20 framework for an organization of their size in the areas of Information Security Policies, Security Controls, Secure Software Development Life Cycle and Incident Response Procedures. 

Kobalt also performed a Cloud Audit on Routeware’s AWS environment against the CIS benchmark for AWS.

Our security team rapidly investigates all reported security issues. If you believe you’ve discovered a vulnerability in Routeware’s security, please get in touch at (optionally using our PGP key). We will respond as quickly as possible to your report. We request that you not publicly disclose the issue until it has been addressed by Routeware.

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Routeware conducts annual accessibility audits with a highly regarded, CPWA certified accessibility auditor. Routeware’s web tools have been certified as conforming to the applicable Level A and Level AA success criteria of the W3C WCAG 2.1 Guidelines. Routeware tools are designed for inclusion, and we believe that they should be easy to use by everyone, regardless of age or disability. Additionally, you can rest assured that providing Routeware service to your residents or customers will not open you up to lawsuits under the many accessibility laws around the world.

Download our accessibility certification here.

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ReCollect web tools have also been certified as compliant with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This is a law in the United States that requires federal agencies to meet a strict set of accessibility requirements. Additionally, many states also require compliance with Section 508, and the American Disability Act prohibits requires that all public websites are accessible to people with disabilities. Our Voluntary Product Accessibility Template® may be requested by emailing

Read more about Accessibility at ReCollect in our blog.



Routeware is built using the principle of Privacy by Design. We only collect the minimal amount of information required to offer our service and personal data is removed as quickly as reasonably possible once it is no longer needed. Routeware complies with all applicable privacy laws in jurisdictions where it operates, including the GDPR in the European Union, which came into effect on May 25, 2018. If you want more details on our Privacy Policy or have questions about ReCollect’s privacy practices, please contact our Data Protection Officer at

Read about our 2024 Re-Certifications here.